After the tour the daughter, who has hopes her boy friend and the father of her son will make the necessary changes in his life for her to accept him back into her life and move towards marriage, asked if I would invite him to go on the tour with me. I have also spent a lot of time with him in convincing him it was through the gospel where he would find the necessary teaching and help to become a good husband and father and where he could find his greatest peace and joy, however, he hadn’t made any steps in that direction. But he was excited about the temple tour and he and his little son came with me. After the tour he expressed he was really touched and he wanted to get a picture of the temple for him and one for his hoped to be wife.
The forth non-member was a dear friend and former neighbor who I have tried to share the gospel with on many occasions but she politely let me know she wasn’t interested. After the tour she sent me a thank you card. I’m going to quote parts for I think it is a big step for her.
“Dear Carolyn,Thank you, thank you for taking time to guide me through your spectacular new temple which reflects the strong faith of your entire membership. I appreciated the personal tour and especially showing and teaching me as we went along that I could understand the faith and commitment behind this spectacular building. It’s lovely outside and inside and many times for me personally provides calming relief from Winco, Costco, Walmart, etc. along MKT street.”
It is my prayer now that she will be more open to letting me share more with her. Thank you for the opportunity to share me sweet experiences.
-Sister Carolyn Hanchett.